I was going to write some extremely long post with some deep (more or less) thoughts, but my inspiration suddenly left me. Maybe I feel exhausted after the weekend or I'm just not on the right wave:) So, not today. But I definitely want to share some photos from this Saturday getaway and I also want to share some emotions of spending time with your family. Actually, the truth is - nothing and nobody will ever replace you Mom or Dad!
Living my style of life, I sometimes forget, how cool is to gossip with mom till 4.m., drinking some wine and talking about everything on Earth. I'm so blessed to have The Best Mom in the world! Super Mama! It's only when you'e 20-something - you start to understand that Mom is indeed "always right". And for those who ask me, how it feels to live far from home - it feels sad from time to time! I feel sorry for not seeing my parents, for not spending precious time with them, for choosing other priorities in life (maybe it sounds selfish, but well - we all live our lives the best we can).
Coming back to the weekend topic - I had a chance to spend it with my Mom. I did have a couple of lectures about life, for which I'm extremely thankful and now I feel even a little bit wiser :)
So, if you by chance read this short message - go and call your parents and tell you missed them :)
P.S. We spent Saturday in Wroclaw. Perfect day to get away from routine and catch some sunlight!