Sunday, January 1, 2017

Do What You Love... Or Where Is The City of Lion?

  Even though I don't have any New Year Resolutions - I promised myself to do more of what I love and so, and so - first post of 2017 ready :) It's not gonna be about our new Year celebration party, that one better to be kept private. Just one thing to say - it's great to have people with whom you can be as natural as possible. No matter make ups, manners and all that stuff. They just know you for ages and accept as you are. Anyways, my post is about smth completely different. Inspired by Michael Jackson Black Or White, by the way :)

  So, during last couple of years I'm meeting a lot of people of different countries and cultures. I'm extremely happy about it. I also think, that people shouldn't be divided by nationalities. I mean, for me - all of us are residents of the World and that's it. Obviously, we have different cultures, different religions, traditions and even the skin tone. But this doesn't matter, really. I don't understand people, who emphasize these differences. Because we don't choose the place and country where we are born, We don't choose our parents. We don't choose the culture where we grow up.
   But what we DO CHOOSE - is the kind of person we are. At the end of the day - there are great people in each part of Earth, There are bad people as well.
   I'm 100% Cosmopolitan. So, I don't even call myself Ukrainian... I'm just Ukrainian passport holder (for the moment). I truly believe that if people didn't pay so much attention to this "nationality" stuff - there would be less wars in this World. 
   But, this doesn't change the fact, that no matter where I go - I will always remember where I come from! And I com from Ukraine. My hometown is called Lviv, which literally means "City of Lion". It's an ancient town, which was founded in 1256 by a king, called Danylo. The history is quite romantic in some way, because this town was a kind of wedding present - from this king to his son. Son's name was Lion (in Ukrainian it sounds "Lev") and that's where the name of the city comes from. There is other version - Leopolis, I personally like this one much more :)  

   And so, I was born in Leopolis 25 years ago. You know, my country doesn't have the easiest history. This is because Ukraine has an interesting geographic location - it's exactly between East and West of Europe. So during thousands of years it was an object of desires of our both Western and Eastern neighbors. It's because Ukraine as a land is an extremely attractive piece of World. We do have rich solids. We do have beautiful Nature - Carpathian mountains. We do have amazing see shores - like Crimea. If only you knew how beautiful Crimea is! Recently because of awful war in my country we lost it. Crimea could be a separate country (for me it is, as Crimean Tatars live there and it's a separate nation) - but oh God, by any means it shouldn't be called Russia (my opinion, not gonna discuss further). 
   And so, about Leopolis. I just want to share with the readers of this blog - how beautiful this city is. I know it's popular spot for tourists from central Europe. But I still think that lots of people do not really realize, that it's worth a visit! Especially when it comes to lovers of architecture and stuff like that.

   The fact is that if we live in some place - we stop noticing it's beauty and how unique it is. It happened to me to. Only after I moved to Poland and have spent here 4 years till today (can't believe it) - I'm coming home for a weekend, and just now I see all the beauty! Only now I finally realized, that this deserves a little bit of attention. I want to share it with you. And I wan to encourage everyone, who reads this now - DO take a weekend trip to Lviv. You won't regret it, I promise! 

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