Monday, May 2, 2016

Growth Happens Down In The Valley

   How many people have you met on your way during all your life? Hard to say, I guess? I have no idea - probably we should count by thousands? 
    How many of them do you remember? I can count in hundreds... 
    How many of them brought really something special? Something unforgettable? Twenty, maybe thirty?
    How many changed your life? I am talking about those, who were some kind of "final chapters" of every small story. Like after meeting them, next day you change and never be previous "you" ever again... And also I'm not talking about those, who made you happy or unhappy - that is a usual thing. I'm saying about something irreversible... Those who opened a "new deep" inside of you - no matter if it was a positive or negative experience, but it was remarkable and not knowing about this, since tomorrow you are new you.
  A Teacher. Each of us went to school long time ago, each of us today regret not studying geography, chemistry or history :) But I'm extremely lucky to have met a person, who taught me not only English (for my English - separate thank you as well) - but yeah, she awoke in my teenage head a strong willing to move forward, to never listen what people say (when they start saying you can't do something), she developed my ability to learn languages very fast, and I'm so grateful! The funny thing is that I tried to find this woman after many years with no contact, to say thank you, but I couldn't... Apparently life plays not fair sometimes (who am I fooling? it plays unfair all the time!) and people simply disappear. For many reasons, for the reason of unbearable lightness of being if you want.
   A Love-Of-Your-Life. Not necessary with a happy end. That's not the case. But probably because it is full of very bipolar emotions - that is why it is usually so special. Literally - it is like standing under the shower where boiling water changes to ice. Because of this you can't see reality. And because of the shock - you feel nor pain, neither pleasure... Then it ends up, but it reveals some true things in your soul, and may this sound like a bullshit or just like another "vanilla" phrase - but it is like that, indeed... And this is something I feel lucky to happen to me. You should know, where is the end of your feelings! Even if it hurts! You will see then, what you value the most and what are your principles (unbreakable, if there are...)
   A Biggest Disappointment. Yeah I know, this is definitely somebody you are not looking forward to meet! But, God, I'm so so happy I did! Because very often, when everything goes well in our life, we get relaxed... We trust too much, we put less efforts, we start seeing what we want to see, fooling ourselves. And yes, we are happy! And this is amazing, just because I like to be happy, you like to be happy, everyone does! But there is a moment, when we do too much! Too much of relax, to much talking, too much of pink glasses, too much of shit... And then life decides to give you a lesson. And of course it happens not in the most comfortable moment haha... It's a "kind reminder" that relaxing in this world is the last thing to do. It's a "kind reminder" that trust in not a thing you can give to every second human-being you meet. It's a very "kind reminder" to stay on the ground. And at first you may be angry, when you let to betray yourself like a last looser on Earth, but after some time this seems very right. Turn your wounds into wisdom, as they say and I have nothing, but agree!
     A Friend. To be honest, last three years was quite a big test for friendship in my life, because moving here and there, leaving places and finding new gives hard times for any relationship! When I used to live in Ukraine, I thought I have so many "friends", but they vanished after few months after I left my hometown, Others stayed, and I still love them, and they do love me, but they are not in my life anymore in a practical way :) When we meet twice a year, I feel like a small happy dog, that finally saw his owner after a long day, I really really love these people! But all of us have different lives and it's a little sad, but still we are so happy for each other, when some of us are getting married, having new job or whatever - I can't imagine my life without those emotions! But there is still one lady, whom I would call at 3a.m. if to say I'm in love or that I urgently need new shoes. And no matter the distance, for the last few years we share so many bright memories together, that I could wright a whole book :) The title would be "Oh, I was soooo thirsty, but he's from Katowice", but this is totally different story :) 
     A Soulmate. So well, honestly speaking, this is somebody I didn't meet yet, but I know I will, because there must be such :) Somebody, with whom I could risk everything I have. Somebody, who will help me to pack all my life in one big suitcase and move, move, move. Somebody, who has the same as I - inability to stay at one place. And definitely somebody who doesn't dream of settling down in a nice house somewhere outside the city:) Which is of course, and awesome plan, but for sure not mine. Yeah, I urgently need somebody to help me turning my current life mode upside-down. Just because a perfect order is something that makes me sure - I'm going in a perfectly wrong direction...
     And I know one day I will leave this place and never come back, because there are no coming backs after you meet certain people :)


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